Updates on WildFires and 2022 MKSP

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The start of MKSP 2022 is just over a week away, and we’re very excited about the amount of interest shown in the “rebirth” of our star party after two years off. There is also concern — as usual — …

The first night of MKSP 2022

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The first night of MKSP 2022 wasn’t far from what was forecast, though we’d hoped for more clear sky than we got. It was overcast at dusk with intimidatingly dark cloud to the north. Our group of four saw a …

And… we’re off to the mountain!

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And… we’re off to the mountain! The forecast for the next few days includes a mix of clear sky and cloud, with pm showers or thundershowers today and tomorrow. Steadily clear skies before mid-week. You can keep up with the …

MKSP begins at dusk tomorrow!

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There’s a good chance we’ll start with a cloudy evening after an unsettled day that might include a shower or a real downpour (40% chance of a shower w/ risk of thundershowers in the area). But if rain clears the …

MKSP in 3 weeks!

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This image is of the morning sky taken at the last MKSP in 2019.   For this all you need is a good cell phone camera, this shows the Milky Way in Perseus.  Also there is The Andromeda and Triangulum Galaxies.

Getting ready to do it again!

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Are you getting ready for MKSP?  The last time I took my rig out to BC was in 2019 for MKSP.  This was snapped on our way to the Star Party.  at the rest area just across the Kicking Horse …