MKSP 2019
Synopsis for 2019
Wildfires were a concern again in 2019. That summer there was a fire in Mount Richer and it had the potential of crossing to the area of the Star Party, and the first days of the event were delayed. Once an all clear was given, the event went ahead successfully as planned. Attendance was average for recent years and the event was a financial success. Some postings regarding 2019 are available by looking back on the Facebook Page.
Pins and Awards
Wed July 31 |
3pm | Lee Johnson - Although Kobau regular Lee Johnson has retired from his day job, he still is a full-time Kobauite who has returned to the Holy Mountain every year since he started in 1986. Jobs may come and go, but the Universe abides. | The Mt.Kobau Flats | THE LARGEST CHAIN OF GALAXIES WE CAN SEE Picture it: a ragged, broken chain of remote galaxies stretching from Pegasus to Perseus. The faint fuzzies run from the Pegasus supergroups below the Great Square to the radio source Perseus A inside the Perseus I galaxy cluster – a span of some 65 degrees of sky. This string of galaxies, roughly 200 to 300 million light-years distant, is probably the largest cosmic “structure” we can observe from Earth through amateur telescopes. |
THURSDAY August 1 |
3pm or 8:45pm | Kimberly Burtnyk - | Tentative | LIGO |
Friday August 2 |
8:30 pm | Nic David - Nic David is an archaeologist and anthropologist by trade whose research since the late 1960s has taken him to Central Africa where the total absence of anthropic light pollution encouraged his baby steps in observation. Retirement from the university of Calgary in 2002 and from fieldwork in 2008 enabled him to begin serious observing | The Mt.Kobau Flats | Filling the Southern Void: from Ptolemy to LaCaillePtolemy’s Alexandria-based star catalogue of ca AD 150 records over a 1000 stars with a void around the South Pole. This void was progressively filled as Europeans penetrated the southern hemisphere, requiring astronomical data for navigational purposes. We focus on the instruments and observing techniques employed and on the partitioning of the circumpolar sky into constellations. The presentation is the work of Nic and Simon Poole of the Calgary Centre. |
Friday August 2 |
Nightfall | Murray Paulson has been drawn to the night sky since childhood and continues to enjoy its many wonders. In the 1990s he discovered the excitement of solar eclipse and the pleasures of meteorite collecting. Murray continues to author the planets section of the highly-regarded RASC Observer’s Handbook. | The Mt.Kobau Flats | Binocular Star Walk Back by popular demand Murry will conduct this for those interested in attendance. |
Saturday August 3 |
3pm | MKPS Society Organizers | The Mt.Kobau Flats | Prize Awards, Announcements, Door Prize Draws and other important things |
Winners of the 2019 Prizes
Images taken at the 2019 Event