IMPORTANT NOTICE: In a meeting to consider whether MKSP 2023 can proceed given the risks posed by the nearby Eagle Bluff Wildfire, organizers of the star party tonight voted unanimously to CANCEL. Our primary motivator in making this decision is, of course, the safety of star party attendees and staff. Among the factors considered: the Eagle Bluff fire’s status remains “out of control”, with the fire perimeter less than 2.5 kilometers from the south extremity of the Mt. Kobau Forest Rd, which provides the sole regular vehicle access/exit for the star party site. The fire danger status of the region overall continues to be high. While the area’s weather forecast for the week before the scheduled start of MKSP does include some showers (low to moderate probabilities of precipitation), there is also a chance of lightning in the next 36 hours. In addition, the protected area in which the star party is held is currently closed to visitors with limited prospects of reopening in time to salvage our event.
We regret having to make this decision, but hope those who planned to attend MKSP 2023 are receiving the news with enough time to make new plans. Let’s all hope for better circumstances next year when the star party is scheduled to run August 3-11.