MKSP 2025 Star Party Information
Plans for 2025 / President's Message

Welcome to Mount Kobau everyone!
It’s our 41th Anniversary! To our regular Kobau friends, welcome back. To those new to the summit, it’s great to have you with us!
As much as I love returning to this venerable star party, I can’t overlook the fact that MKSP has been going through a tough stretch. COVID, nearby wildfires, smoke from distant blazes, plus a waning participation in astronomy at the club level – these things have cast a shadow of uncertainty on MKSP’s future. More than once in recent years we were compelled to cancel less than two weeks in advance of opening day, convinced until the 11th hour that we might be able to go ahead. The stress (and disappointment) was crushing. If this is the new normal, maybe we should be thankful for our four-decade history, say “We’ve had a good run”, and pack it in.
But the lure of starlight is strong. A clear night at Kobau can chase away doubts and leave us enlightened by the subtle afterglow of galaxy groups, star birth nebulae, and the hours-old sunlight reflected from Neptunian moons. What better way is there to feel our unity with the cosmos than among silhouetted fir trees beneath the arch of the Mt. Kobau Milky Way? For the time being at least, we continue to believe this rare experience is worth the uncertainty. May your time at MKSP 2024 leave you feeling the same way!
Jim Failes / President, Mount Kobau Astronomical Society
MKSP Skies
Click on the image below, to learn more about what you will be able to see this year.

Registration Information
Pre-registration is Preferred for the 2025 Mt. Kobau Star Party. Sorry, it is not possible to for us to reserve space on the mountain top.
Pre-Registrations can be mailed to us as soon as they are filled out, with payment by cheque or money order enclosed. If you choose not to pre-register, you can register on-site.
The Rates for 2025 are the same as last year see the table below.
A form to register by clicking on the Reg. Form button below to obtain/print a copy.
Payable by cheque or money order in Canadian Funds.
Make cheques payable to: Mount Kobau Astronomical Society. Mail to: MKSP Registrar, 1069 Calmels Crescent, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 4L6
Number in Party | Number of Nights | Normal Rate |
One person | One night | $25.00 |
One person | Two nights | $50.00 |
One person | More than two nights | $75.00 |
Two or more persons | One night | $35.00 |
Two or more persons | Two nights | $70.00 |
Two or more persons | More than two nights | $100.00 |
MKSP 2025 Schedule of Events
Date | Event |
Saturday, Aug. 3 | MKSP begins at dusk. Arrivals in the afternoon. |
Sunday, Aug. 4 | 2:00 - 4:00 pm – Registration/Reception 4:14am New Moon New |
Monday, Aug. 5 | 2:00 - 4:00 pm – Registration/Reception 9:25 pm Moonset 2% illuminated |
Tuesday, Aug. 6 | 2:00 - 4:00 pm – Registration/Reception |
Wednesday, Aug. 7 | New Moon - 2:39am 2:00 - 4:00 pm – Registration/Reception 3:00 pm @ The Flats – Speaker: Ken Hewitt-White Kobau Skies This Week 9:51 pm Moonset 10% illuminated 8:27 pm Sunset |
Thursday, Aug. 8 | 2:00 - 4:00 pm – Registration/Reception 7:00 pm @ The Flats – Speaker: Murray Paulson, relating stories of three total solar eclipse chases. |
Friday, Aug. 9 | 2:00 - 4:00 pm – Registration/Reception 7:00 pm The Flats – Speaker: Peter Ceravolo, speaking about the construction of a very large amateur telescope. 9:30 pm @ The Flats – Binocular Star Walk, Murray Paulson 10:15 pm Moonset 24% illuminated |
Saturday, Aug. 10 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm – Registration/Reception Morning of - ATM Contest Judging Walkabout. Noon - Deadline for submission of Photo Contest Submissions and Submissions for Observing Awards. 3:00 pm @ The Flats: Closing Ceremonies, Door Prize Draw, Group Photo, Swap Table 7:00 pm @ The Flats – Speaker: Tony Puerzer, speaking about a simple recipe for successful astro-imaging. |
Sunday, Aug. 11 | MKSP ends at dawn. Departures by Mid-day. |
Lectures and Topics
Ken Hewitt-White
An incurable deep-sky observer, Ken has been enjoying the dark skies of Mt. Kobau since the mid-1970s. He is a contributing editor for Sky & Telescope magazine and is the editor of several astronomy books. Most recently, Ken co-authored the 5th edition of Terence Dickinson’s venerable stargazing book NightWatch.

Contests, Pins and Awards
This year as is traditional for MKSP there may be awards for the following. For more information on how you might participate ask when you arrive for more information on how to compete for these awards. The Judging occurs on Saturday Morning, so you have to let us know before then that you want to enter.
A trophy may be awarded for each of the following categories
Prime Focus
Camera On Tripod
Novice Astrophoto
Daytime Photo
Exceptional Astrophto
A trophy may be awarded for each of the following categories
Mechanical Excellence
Most Innovative Design
First Time Telescope
Dobsonian Telescope
Astronomical Equipment
A trophy may be awarded for each of the following categories
Sketching and Drawing from the Telescope
MKSP is pleased to present observing suggestions. The observing program suggestions are not competitions in the true sense of the word but rather are intended to provide the astronomer with a sense of accomplishment. Levels of experience range from absolute beginner to seasoned amateur. Refer to the lists below for details.
Completed lists will be rewarded with a pin and your name will be posted in the History section on the MKSP website for all to see. To obtain a pin, bring your completed form to the registration desk during hours of operation.
You will find all the lists by clicking on the links below. Choose the list or lists you would like to try. You may download a copy then print or you may just print the pdf file(s) directly. Don't forget to bring printed copies for your use at the star party.
- UnAided Eye List: No optical aids except your eyes are required to complete this task. Completion of this list will provide those who have little or even no knowledge with the summer-time night sky a satisfying experience of observing fundamentals.
- Bright Objects List: A pair of binoculars or small telescope will be beneficial to complete this list. The list is intended for the beginning amateur, but even experienced astronomers will gain great satisfaction from finding and viewing these objects.
- Intermediate Objects List: You'll need at least a small aperture but a medium sized telescope is recommended to complete this list. This is the list most MKSP attendees will wish to attempt.
- Challenge List: This is a very difficult list and will require a large aperture telescope to complete. Intended for the experienced astronomer.
Click on the image to download a printable PDF to take to the mountain.
Recipients will be presented here after Saturday
Observing Pins and/or Ribbons
Recipients will be presented here after Saturday
Raffle Prize
Prize winner will be presented here after Saturday
Door Prizes
Prize winners will be presented here after Saturday